Coyote Willow Family School Family Teacher Organization
What does the FTO do?
❖ Organize community events
❖ Conduct fundraisers
❖ Support teachers and students

Who is a member?
❖ You are!
❖ All parents, guardians & staff
❖ No membership dues required

Community Events:
❖ Used Book Sale
❖ Fall Festival
❖ Art & Poetry Night
❖ Coffee in the Courtyard
❖ Many more

How you can get involved:
❖ Serve on FTO Board
❖ Classroom representative
❖ Community Event Chairperson
❖ Attend FTO meetings
❖ Volunteer at Community Events
❖ Help with Fundraisers
❖ Assist in your student’s classroom

Ways to contribute while you shop:
❖ CaringCents
❖ Smiths Inspiring Donations
❖ BoxTops

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit group. Consider checking to see if your employer will match donations.

Used Book Sale

The used book sale is both a fundraiser and a fun way to get more books in our kids’ hands. We need volunteers to help coordinate, sort books, and be there for the sale.

Classroom Representatives

We need a representative from each classroom to attend FTO meetings and report back to their class, either at the monthly parent meeting, or via email. This person will make sure all the parents know what’s happening next.

Art & Poetry Night Classroom Coordinator

Art and Poetry night is one of the best events of the year! We will need lots of volunteers to help teachers set up their classrooms, and we need everyone to bring cookies for our cookie sale.


We hope that any parents who get a good picture of the school events will share it with the FTO to use in the yearbook! Please send all pictures to

Boxtops Coordinator

Boxtops help raise funds for our school. They need to be counted and submitted once or twice a year.


  • Smith’s: If you haven’t already enrolled your Smith’s card, please do so through your Smith’s online account. CWFS receives a portion of your spending at no cost to you!
  • Caring Cents: You can enroll your credit cards in this program and each time you use your credit card, it will round up to the next dollar amount and that amount will be donated to the school. You can set a cap amount for each month so you only donate whatever amount you are comfortable with.

Email us now